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Some Facts You Must Know About Prophets in Islam

Here are some least known facts about Prophets in Islam:
Fact (1): Prophet Adam was the first Prophet in Islam.
Fact (2): Prophet Shees (a.s.) was the son of Prophet Adam (a.s.).
Fact (3): Prophet Idrees (a.s.) was the seventh descendant of Prophet Adam (a.s.).
Fact (4): Prophet Noah (a.s.) was the 10th descendant of Prophet Adam (a.s.)
Fact (5): Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) was the 20th descendant of Prophet Adam (a.s.)
Fact (6): Prophet Ismael (a.s.) and Prophet Ishaaq (a.s.) were the 21st descendants of Prophet Adam (a.s.)
Fact (7): Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) was the 81st descendant of Prophet Adam (a.s.)
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